On Thursday 15th December 2022, according to Trafficking In Person report by Lucy Mothepu from Beautiful Dream Society based at Ficksburg border revealed that, from December 2021 to date, there were 90 people who were intercepted while trying to be trafficked, out of which 5% were minors, 25% males and 70% females.
In addition to that, the findings showed that, 80% of these people were at high risk of being trafficked and 20% had evidences of TIP. The report also revealed that, the main reason for crossing the border was for empty promises of employment and the prominent places like Qatar and Dubai. This was revealed during the tour of the Minister of Local Government Chieftainship, Home Affairs and Police Honourable Lebona Lephema and United States Security Personnel representing US Embassy to Lesotho.
It was during this tour that Beautiful Dream Society presented their report on challenges they encounter towards human trafficking at Ficksburg Bridge. It further indicated that there are challenges met whereby they have no support of monitoring from other stakeholders, so this hinders effectiveness of identification of victims. There is also a problem of smugglers (runners) who mislead travelers who are likely to be the victims of TIP. Beautiful Dream Society pleaded with the government of Lesotho to provide them with manpower support especially from security agencies being Police and Soldiers.
Honourable Lephema said starting from 14th December 2022, he has been doing arounds, visiting different borders being Monontša, Caledonspoord, Ficksburg and Vanrooyen’s gate to inspect operation and challenges across the borders. He added that, today they came back at Ficksburg Bridge with their visitors from US Embassy representatives to Lesotho who will be giving them a helping hand for them on how to manage the crossing at the borders safely “Not only that, as we all know that, there is high rate of crime in the country, we are trying by all means to see how best we can police the country, in order for our country to have stability,” said Honourable Lephema.
Lastly, He noted that, when there is stability and safety in the country, this will boost the economic growth and they will be able to prevent TIP that is influenced by high unemployment rate in Lesotho.