On Wednesday the 21st April 2021, The Honourable Minister of Home Affairs Motlalentoa Letsosa visited a few villages at Kubake Maseru.
The Purpose of the visit was to make follow up on civil registration and progress henceforth.
This initiative which the Ministry is undertaking, is under Government’s directive of taking services to
very remotest areas of the country through central governance (councils).
It was at this Kubake council whereby 50 birth certificates and about 80 Identity Cards were issued.
The main events done during that visit, were; first applicants, replacements and change of names.
Minister Letsosa emphasized Government’s priority being to register every citizen and issue them with
identity documents as being the only symbol of existence and an authentic national identity.
Some of those registered, were impaired, old aged and vulnerable people, whom their local leaders
welcomed the gesture and requested that other Ministry’s activities be accessible to them; livestock
registration and marking was highlighted as one of the required activities.